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Daftar Buku Referensi Formulasi In-Situ Gel Ambroxol Hidroklorida

1. Miyazaki, S., Kubo, W., Dairaku, M., Togashi, M., Mikami, R., Attwood, D. (2004) : Oral Sustained Delivery of Ambroxol from in situ-gelling Pectin Formulations, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 271, 233-240.

2. M, Sandhiya.K, Shanmugam.S,dan Vetrichelvan, T. (2011) : Design and Development of Ambroxol Hydrochloride Sustained Release Matrix Tablets, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3, 200-203.

3. Sangeetha, S., Indumathi, D. (2013) : Oral Sustained Drug Delivery of Theophylline Using in-situ Gelation of Sodium Alginate. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6, 134-137.

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4. Chaniyara, S. (2013) : Formulation and Evaluation of Floatable in-situ Gel for Stomachspesific Drug Delivery of Ofloxacin. Journal of Controlled Release, 67, 275-280.

5. Sechoy, O., Tissie, G., Sebastian, C., Maurin, F., Driot, J.Y., Trinquand, C. (2000) : A New Long Acting Ophtalmic Formulation of Cartenolol Containing Alginic Acid. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 207, 109-16.

6. Council of Europe. (2004) : European Pharmacopeia 5, Council of Europe, 2, 965-966.

7. Departemen Farmakologi dan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. (2007) : Farmakologi dan Terapi Edisi 5. Balai Penerbit FKUI. 532.

8. Junaedi, Iskandar., (2009) : Pedoman Praktis Obat Indonesia. Bhuana Ilmu Populer. 108122.

9. Hoan Tjay, Tan., Rahardja, Kirana. (2007) : Obat-Obat Penting Edisi 6. Elex Media Komputindo. 664.

10. Kant, A., Reddy, S., Shankraiah, M.M., Venkatesh, J.S., Nagesh, C. (2011) : In-situ Gelling System – An Overview. Pharmacologyonline, 2, 28-42.

11. Al-Ajeeli, Rhua. (2010) : Formulation and in-vitro/in-situ Evaluation of Gel Matrix System for Sustaining the Release of Paracetamol. Petra University, Faculty of Pharmacy.

12. Shilpa, A., Argawal, S.S., dan Ray, A.R. (2003) : Controled Delivery of Drugs from Alginate Matrix. Polimer Review, 43 (2). 187-221.

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13. Tonnesen, H.H., dan Karlsen, J. (2002) : Alginate in Drug Delivery Systems. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. 28 (6). 621-630.

14. Qin, Y. (2008) : Review, Alginate Fibres : An Overview of the Production Processes and Applications in Wound Management. Polymer International. 57. 171-180.

15. Direktorat Jenderal Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan Departemen Kesehatan R.I. (1979) : Farmakope Indonesia Edisi Ketiga. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.

16. C. Rowe, Raymond., J. Sheskey, Paul., dan E. Quinn, Marian. (2009) : Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipient Sixth Edition. Pharmaceutical Press and Pharmacist Association.89-90 ; 622-624 ; 635-636.

17. Lachman, L., dan H.A. Lieberman (Eds). (1973) : Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Tablet Vol I. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.

18. Ansel, H.C. (1989) : Pengantar Bentuk Sediaan Farmasi Terjemahan, Farida Ibrahim, Edisi IV. Universitas Indonesia Press.

19. Ariens, E.J., (1973) : Drug Design Volume I. Academic Press Inc., New York. 38-88

20. Longer, M.A., and Robinson, J.R. (1990) : Sustained Release Drug Delivery System. Remingtons Pharmaceutical Sciences, 18th Edition. 1677.

21. Kakkar, S., Sheefali, M. (2012) : In-situ Gelling System for ‘Smart’ Drug Delivery. International Journal of Natural Product Science. 86 (1).

22. Nirmal, H.B., Bakliwal, S.R. (2010) : In-situ Gel : New Trends in Controlled and Sustained Drug Delivery System.International Journal of PharmTech Research. 2 (2). 1398-1408.

23. Kashyap, N., Viswanad, B., Sharma, G., Bhardwaj, V., Ramarao, P., Kumar, M.N.V. (2007) : Design and Evaluation of Biodegradable, Biosensitive in-situ Gelling Systems for Pulsatile Delivery of Insulin. Biomaterials. 28 (20). 51-60.

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24. Miyazaki,S., Suisha, F., Kawasaki, N. (1998) : Thermally Reversible Xyloglucan Gels as Vehicles for Rectal Drug Delivery. Journals of Controlled Release. 56. 75-83.

25. Dibbern, H.W., Muller, R.M., Wirbitzki. (2002) : Pharmaceutical Substances (UV and IR) and Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Excipient (IR). ECV Editio Cantor Verlag.

26. The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (2007) : The United States Pharmacopeia, Thirtieth Revision, and The National Formulary, Twenty-fifth edition. Washington DC.

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